The Tōhoku Documentary Trilogy (Tōhoku kiroku eiga sanbusaku), co- directed by Hamaguchi Ryūsuke and Sakai Kō, consists of four doc- umentary features, namely Sound of Waves (Nami no oto, 2011), Voices from the Waves Shinchimachi (Nami no koe Shinchimachi, 2013), [……]
The Tōhoku Documentary Trilogy (Tōhoku kiroku eiga sanbusaku), co- directed by Hamaguchi Ryūsuke and Sakai Kō, consists of four doc- umentary features, namely Sound of Waves (Nami no oto, 2011), Voices from the Waves Shinchimachi (Nami no koe Shinchimachi, 2013), [……]