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明德译介|加缪《反抗者》英文版引言 by Herbert Read








加缪在最后几页显示了他思想的真正力量。根据本书所列举的事实,人们很容易陷入绝望或不作为。加缪ti huan l“限度”的概念。“我们现在知道,革命若只讲求历史效率而无其他限度,意味着无限度的奴役。革命精神若想摆脱这个命运,维持生命力,就应该回到反抗的本源,汲取忠于本源的唯一思想,也就是关于限度的思想。”为了说明他的意思,加缪提到了辛迪加主义,这种政治运动以细胞的有机统一为基础,否定抽象的和官僚的中心主义。他引用了托兰的话。”Les êtres humains ne s’émancipent qu’au sein des groupes naturels“——人类只有在自然团体的基础上才能解放自己。“公社对抗国家……审慎的自由对抗理性的专制,利他的个人主义对抗群众的奴役,这些二分的矛盾再次显示了自西方历史以来层出不穷、介于适度与过度之间长久的对立”(参考严慧莹版翻译)。这种“中庸之道”(“mesure”)的传统属于地中海世界,并被德国意识形态中的过度和基督教的他世(otherworldliness)——被对自然的否定所摧毁。





With the publication of this book a cloud that has oppressed the European mind for more than a century begins to lift. After an age of anxiety, despair, and nihilism, it seems possible once more to hope—to have confidence again in man and in the future. M. Camus has not delivered us by rhetoric, or by any of the arts of persuasion, but by the clarity of his intelligence. His book is a work of logic. Just as an earlier work of his (Le Mythe de Sisyphe) began with a meditation on living or not living—on the implications of the act of suicide—so this work begins with a meditation on enduring or not enduring—on the implications of the act of rebellion. If we decide to live, it must be because we have decided that our personal existence has some positive value; if we decide to rebel, it must be because we have decided that a human society has some positive value. But in each case the values are not “given”—that is the illusionist trick played by religion or by philosophy. They have to be deduced from the conditions of living, and are to be accepted along with the suffering entailed by the limits of the possible. Social values are rules of conduct implicit in a tragic fate; and they offer a hope of creation.

The Rebel, that is to say, offers us a philosophy of politics. It is a kind of book that appears only in France, devoted, in a passionate intellectual sense, to the examination of such concepts as liberty and terror. Not that it is a theoretical work—on the contrary, it is an examination of the actual situation of Europe today, informed by a precise historical knowledge of the past two centuries of its social development. It is “an attempt to understand the times.”

Camus believes that revolt is one of the “essential dimensions” of mankind. It is useless to deny its historical reality—rather we must seek in it a principle of existence. But the nature of revolt has changed radically in our times. It is no longer the revolt of the slave against the master, nor even the revolt of the poor against the rich; it is a metaphysical revolt, the revolt of man against the conditions of life, against creation itself. At the same time, it is an aspiration toward clarity and unity of thought—even, paradoxically, toward order. That, at least, is what it becomes under the intellectual guidance of Camus.

He reviews the history of this metaphysical revolt, beginning with the absolute negation of Sade, glancing at Baudelaire and the “dandies,” passing on to Stirner, Nietzsche, Lautréamont, and the surrealists. His attitude to these prophetic figures is not unsympathetic, and once more it is interesting to observe the influence of André Breton on the contemporary mind. Camus then turns to the history of revolt in the political sense, his main object being to draw a clear distinction between rebellion and revolution. Here, and not for the first time, Camus’s ideas come close to anarchism, for he recognizes that revolution always implies the establishment of a new government, whereas rebellion is action without planned issue—it is spontaneous protestation. Camus reviews the history of the French Revolution, of the regicides and deicides, and shows how inevitably, from Rousseau to Stalin, the course of revolution leads to authoritarian dictatorship. Saint-Just is the precursor of Lenin. Even Bakunin, to whom Camus devotes some extremely interesting pages (pointing out, for example, that he alone of his time, with exceptional profundity, declared war against the idolatry of science)—even Bakunin, if we examine the statutes of the Fraternité Internationale (1864–7) which he drew up, is found insisting on the absolute subordination of the individual to a central committee of action.

All revolutions in modern times, Camus points out, have led to a reinforcement of the power of the State. “The strange and terrifying growth of the modern State can be considered as the logical conclusion of inordinate technical and philosophical ambitions, foreign to the true spirit of rebellion, but which nevertheless gave birth to the revolutionary spirit of our time. The prophetic dream of Marx and the over-inspired predictions of Hegel or of Nietzsche ended by conjuring up, after the city of God had been razed to the ground, a rational or irrational State, which in both cases, however, was founded on terror.” The counterrevolutions of fascism only serve to reinforce the general argument.

Camus shows the real quality of his thought in his final pages. It would have been easy, on the facts marshaled in this book, to have retreated into despair or inaction. Camus substitutes the idea of “limits.” “We now know, at the end of this long inquiry into rebellion and nihilism, that rebellion with no other limits but historical expediency signifies unlimited slavery. To escape this fate, the revolutionary mind, if it wants to remain alive, must therefore return again to the sources of rebellion and draw its inspiration from the only system of thought which is faithful to its origins: thought that recognizes limits.” To illustrate his meaning Camus refers to syndicalism, that movement in politics which is based on the organic unity of the cell, and which is the negation of abstract and bureaucratic centralism. He quotes Tolain: “Les êtres humains ne s’émancipent qu’au sein des groupes naturels”—human beings emancipate themselves only on the basis of natural groups. “The commune against the State … deliberate freedom against rational tyranny, finally altruistic individualism against the colonization of the masses, are, then, the contradictions that express once again the endless opposition of moderation to excess which has animated the history of the Occident since the time of the ancient world.” This tradition of “mesure” belongs to the Mediterranean world, and has been destroyed by the excesses of German ideology and of Christian otherworldliness—by the denial of nature.

Restraint is not the contrary of revolt. Revolt carries with it the very idea of restraint, and “moderation, born of rebellion, can only live by rebellion. It is a perpetual conflict, continually created and mastered by the intelligence.… Whatever we may do, excess will always keep its place in the heart of man, in the place where solitude is found. We all carry within us our places of exile, our crimes and our ravages. But our task is not to unleash them on the world; it is to fight them in ourselves and in others. Rebellion, the secular will not to surrender of which Barrès speaks, is still today at the basis of the struggle. Origin of form, source of real life, it keeps us always erect in the savage, formless movement of history.”

In his last pages Camus rises to heights of eloquence which are exhilarating. It is an inspiring book. It is particularly a book that should be read by all those who wish to see the inborn impulse of revolt inspired by a new spirit of action—by those who understand “that rebellion cannot exist without a strange form of love.” Not to calculate, to give everything for the sake of life and of living men—in that way we can show that “real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.”

Herbert Read


赫伯特·爱德华·瑞德爵士(Herbert Read, DSO,MC(/riːd/;1893年12月4日-1968年6月12日)是英国艺术史学家、诗人、文学评论家和哲学家,以众多关于艺术的书籍而闻名,其中包括关于艺术在教育中的作用的有影响力的书。雷德是当代艺术研究所的共同创始人。除了是英国著名的无政府主义者,他也是最早注意到存在主义的英国作家之一。他与迈克尔·福德姆共同编辑了《荣格作品集》的英国版。

米哈伊爾·亞歷山德羅維奇·巴枯寧(俄語:Михаил Александрович Бакунин,IPA:[mʲɪxɐˈil ɐlʲɪkʲsɐnʲtrəˈfit͡ɕ bɐˈkunʲɪn],1814年5月30日-1876年7月13日),俄國思想家革命家社會主義者無政府主義者集體無政府主義思想創立者。他被認為是無政府主義最具影響力的人物之一,是革命社會主義社會無政府主義理論的主要創立者[4]。巴枯寧作為革命者的威望也使他成為歐洲最著名的思想家之一,他的思想影響了許多俄國和歐洲的激進分子。








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